I always think alot on the bus, majorly because its around a 1 hr ride to uni and 1hr ride back from uni. Well today i thought about my life.
As a teenager i was really troubling and depressed. I got teased and picked on at school and even by the people i thought who were my friends. But you know what I'm grateful for all these things because its those things that made me who I'm today and its those things that made me stronger.
As for now I'm a much cheerful and happier person. I thought to myself *i want to be a happy person* because face it who wanna be around a depressed and unhappy person all day. I got rained on today on the way to uni by a lil cloud but it didn't last very long cause the wind blow it away and out came the sun.
Being happy is so simple, you dont need to be rich or famous to be happy. Just put a smile on your face and let go of all the negative things. Negative things are always present, it depends on how u approach it. Always face things in a positive attitude.
Find a happy drug (no i dont mean the illegal ones). For my its music, i love the feeling of music in my ears and walking or riding the bus. I feel that i'm living in the rhythm and i sometime wish everyone around could enjoy my music too. When i walk home it feels like I'm in my lil world and nothing can bring me down. People may think I'm a lil strange but who cares. Why live in a life where ur scared of being judged by others, live life as how u wanted to be.
Life is too short for gossip and jealousy. I once had a friend who was jealous, and the only way that friend justified (his/her) jealousy is by hurting me. When we look at someone we always see the negative in them, like most girls would say "oh shes a bitch". But you know what, if we saw a positive in everyone we will also learn from the positive. For example many of us know people who say "ummmm" in there sentence alot and we find that quite annoying, however somehow we pick it up and now alot of us have ummms in our sentence (including myself). This is because the negative/annoying/bad things that we interact with get stuck in our heads. I know for me i remember more negative things then positive. Well a good side is media makes alot of money from the negative things that celebrities do. But why do we wanna dwell in the negative and subconsciously inherent that negative aspect. Goal is to see positive, and in turn you will be a more positive and attractive person.
I'm not a huge fan of gossip because to me they are just useless information. What will gossip benefit you??? i once over head a conversation in a restaurant about a girl having a big Hickie, i mean why would u care??? Do u not have an exciting sex life??? Well if u don't, your still not getting any after u bitched about this other girl. I mean is there nothing better to talk about during dinner??? Most of people know I'm a very slow and quiet eater, which means i usually finish last and don't talk while eating. I believing eating is a sacred time and we should all cherish it (or because i'm starving which is usually the case). So next time when ur caught up in a gossip ask your self will this information really benefit you??? If not then do something else like study or eat because they are way more important.
Being happy will make you more attractive. This fact had not worked on me because no men has the courage to ask me out (except the old and creepy one in-front of pcyc). However James can be used here. I mean he aint the most sexist/cutest man alive. But you know what i have been with him for 6 yrs now and i don't regret a thing. He is always soo cheerful and positive even when times were tough. He always has a smile on his face and he just makes me feel soo happy. He is the one who taught me to be positive and happy. I'm grateful to have him in my life. Love.