After trying the things i got around a month ago, I'm in love with 3 of them.
I woke up today and looked at my eyes, and one of my big wrinkles is fading!!!! Love the new eye cream ^^.
I use the Cetaphil cleanser to wash my face after i remove my make up, Love it.
And i use the Cetaphil Suncream everyday in winter and its perfect.

And i bought this pore minimizing set a while back. And i love it, i use it ones a week. My pores are gone after i use it. I will use my Queen Hellene Facial after and then i use the egg white mask to make sure all oil are gone and my pores will be tight.

And these are the new arrivals for me. Got most of online (love cyber-shopping).
I've been using the Clinique Pore minimizer for about a week. I wouldn't say its long lasting for people who have huge pores (me). But it does a pretty good job at matifying and prepping the face. I use it on my T-zone where i have big pores and where i get oily. Basically after 3 hrs oil will start to seep through compared to 1 hr if i don't put it on. So i say its pretty good maybe 3/5, but i might not buy it again.
Betadine ointment i got for the nasty blemish mark after i pick them (yes i have nifty hands). Cant say much at the moment cause i only got it this week, so keep you posted.
Laura Mercia Tinted oil free moisturizer in nude. Just got it today, cant say much.
And i've been on a lash curler hip. Got 2 more lash curlers (where i only need 1). All Asian make up artist rave about the Shu Uremura lash curler, so i got my self one to try. I just received it today, so i will let you know.

And we ate at the Indian place across the road today. Its really good *num num num*. If you wanna know where it is, ask.