You guys ever had the delicious sweet white fungus soup??? Well i love this soup and there is sooo many use for it.
I use the soup for my daily serum, weekly facial mask and daily consumption. The soup has whitening and hydrating effects when used as a mask or a serum, it absorbs really fast and the result is almost instant. I have been drinking a bowl of this soup with brown sugar every day and my pimples on my forehead have significantly reduced and i felt that it has detoxing effects to my body as well.

Purchase any white fungus of your choice, i chose the more yellow one because it less likely it will be bleached and there is more goodies inside.

Get maybe a handful into a bowl and add warm water to soak the white fungus and clean out the impurities.

while soaking use clean hands to rub and clean the fungus. Change water when needed to pour out dirt.
Then put the while fungus into a cooking pot and place about 1 liter of water (depending on the amount of fungus). Bring it to boil and turn the heat to low and let it simmer for 1 hr, until the soup is sticky in consistency.
Then when the soup it cooled down you can drink it by adding a small tea spoon of sugar:

Soak into DIY facial mask and place it on the face until dry, the result is really amazing.

Use it daily as a serum, gently patting it onto the face.

The soup can be kept for about 4-5 days (remember store it in the fridge) this also apply to the serum. I use the mask when the soup is first cooked because it still warm. Also i got this idea from
BeautyQQ from youtube, she has alot more DIY tips, give her channel a visit.
P.S the Serum glass bottles are called Boston bottles in 15ml (thanks to Jessie!), which is purchased from ebay.