Yogurt is great for our digestive system but did you know its also great for our skin.
Yogurt has lactic acid that help reduce pore size, tighten skin, eliminate dead skin cells, reduce excessive oil/dirt on skin and in pores (helps reduce acne) and it also works as a mild skin lightener to reduce imperfections.
For those who have normal to dry skin may want to opt for a full fat yogurt because it can moisturize the skin a lot better. For those who have combination to oily skin, a low fat yogurt is a better option. Is best to use pure yogurt, dont think the fruity yogurts are very beneficial.
There are various ways of prepping the mask, some dry skin users may add olive oil+honey in there yogurt mask, oily skin users may want to add lemon in there mask.
Yogurt is most effective when is at room temperature, because if its chilled it may just tighten the pores without effectively cleaning inside the pores. Also, like all mask its best applied after a warm shower so that the pores are opened.
I apply the mask with a facial mask brush, but i think using your fingers are just as good.
Then I will leave the mask on for 15-30mins depending when it drys. Wash off with warm water after appropriate waiting time. Then tone and moisturize as normal.



The pictures don't show a great deal, but i have been using the mask for 2 weeks now and i love the results it gives.
The mask is mild enough to be used every day, I however only use it twice a week because i have other masks too.
For the mean time, stay beautiful.