Thursday, June 3, 2010


I looked around the bus today, everyone was frowning. Why is it that everyone frowns when they are in public alone, why not smile? I tried to smile as much as possible today, trying to keep myself happy.

I think the ultimate goal in life is to be happy. As girls i say happiness can be bought, but that is only temporary. I have been watching a few make up gurus on Youtube who are very different. Michelle Phan was my first inspiration, she was very successful at what she does but i have never heard once that she is happy. She always tweets about her latest buys, travel adventures, interviews with magazines...

The second is Bubzbeauty, i enjoy her very much. She is a very cheerful, bright, happy person. She doesn't focus on makeup. She always ask how did she get all the fans/subbies, whether she deserved us. She is such a happy person to be around with and she is someone who shows money isn't everything. She is a greatful and thankful person. I think part of me want to be her.

The third is a girl i found recently called BeautyQQ. She is a 38 yo Air hostess. Some might think the occupation is shallow. But from her videos i sense happiness, even though i dont understand canto. I found that when i watch her videos i smile even though i dont understand her, i feel that her positive energy has passed on to me.
So today i realised the ultimate goal is to be happy and young at heart. Like BeautyQQ she is 38 but she does everything like a teen, she is always soo bright and cheerful and thats how she kept her appearance. I wanna be that happy person, doesn't matter what i end up doing in my life I'am going to be happy. from today on I'm going to smile more.

On a side note here is a few pics from the last few days.

Some ducks i found in uni
My first time using a Colgate Wispe. It feel good but the after taste is pretty bad.

The pic of the sky a few days ago, pretty


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