Monday, July 11, 2011

Wisdom teeth extraction experience.

Background information:
I needed to take 4 wisdom teeth out and I was fully put under during the extraction. The reason I needed to take them out was because my jaw was too small for them to be fully grown and the 2 lower ones gets infected easily because they are 50% in the gum. I do not drink, nor smoke and my health is generally very good.

Day one:

I woke up around 6am to eat something and drink some water. Stopped eating at 6:30am.
@ 12:30pm I arrived at the hospital and I was admitted in at 1:45pm.
I have to strip down to my underwear and replaced with hospital clothing, it took me 2 tries to put on the overalls correctly. Just goes to show i have NEVER been in the hospital.
Then I wan pushes into the theater room where i met the anesthetist to drug me and put needle in me. The needle was huge, I have a bruise from it. My specialist helped by speaking to me when the needle was going in so that was helpful.
When i went in the operation room, I was moved onto a special bed where my head was fitted into a special pillow. The last thing I remember was the anesthetist connecting my tube and the assistant telling me I'm going to be a lil drowsy. I guess I was put out HARD.
I was woken up by a nurse and she pushed me into the observation room, I looked at the clock and it was 4pm.
When I was in the observation room, i was still very drowsy but i wanted to go home. They kept me there for about 30mins i believe, and i had my drops in and also a blood pressure measurer was on. The blood pressure measurer would squeeze my arms every 5 mins and nurses would come by to check my states. I was really awake after 10 mins in the observation room, it was really boring. During this time I had an ice-pack on my cheeks.
Then a nurse came around and walked me to the final observation room where they will call your care taker, in my case James. He came and I has some clustered , jelly, apple juice, ice and ice water.
During this time from my lower lip down it was all numb, and also my tongue. And also my nose was really dry from the tubing, it bled a little too. Also my throat was really sore from the pipe they placed down there during the extraction.
I got changed in the final observation room and i was allowed to go home after some form signing. The nurse also refilled my ice-pack. I needed to buy some anti-biotic, painkillers and mouth wash.
When I got home which is around 5:30pm, i felt a lil tired again so i lied in bed. I found it hard to fall asleep with the ice-pack, sore throat, and staying upright to reduce swelling. At around 8pm I rinsed my mouth with warm salt water, and again at 10pm. I also had a anti-biotic prescribed from the doc. I was really hungry but the only thing i had was chicken soup and baby food. I finally went to sleep at 1am, which is bad.

Day two:

I woke up the next day at 10am, from a call. I feel really normal, prob give myself 60% energy. My lower lip was still a little numb but the numbness on my tongue has subsided substantially.
I rinsed my mouth with the prescribed mouth wash (which is diluted down), that made my teeth bleed a bit. The bleeding stopped after 20 mins. I still have my ice pack around my face, doc said I should keep it on for 48hrs after operation.
I did some house work, nothing too intense.
Around Noon, the numbness totally subsided, luckily there was no pain as well. The ice-pack really helps because I experience very little swelling and also it helps the pain.
For dinner I had a soup with very soft vegetables and beef. I have an appetite but I cant eat any hard food, soo i just stare with hungry eyes.
There is no bleeding anymore.

Day three:

The pain kicked, but Painkiller was not needed because the icepack did a pretty good job at keeping the pain and a min. Yes i still have the ice pack on.
Had a sweet potato for breakie, which was good.
For dinner I tried to have some harder foods, but didnt work out well because it takes too long to chow with my front teeth. The good thing is there is virtually no pain, and i didnt need to take any painkillers.

Day Four:

I started to eat meat today, but still chowing with my front teeth. There was a little pain during the morning, but mostly its on and off. Didn't take any painkillers.
There is still abit of swelling on my right cheek, and still cant open my mouth fully.
Went out for a walk before dinner, after I came back i felt a little dizzy so took a nap.

Day Five:

This is my last day of this reporting. There is a little pain again when i wake away, but it went away after 30 mins. No pain killer was needed. Still not able to eat normal food, however I can if i want to very slowly. There is still a little swelling, nothing too obvious. And the stitching is still annoying me. Overall my recovery time was fast and the experience was not so bad.


  1. I needed to take 4 wisdom teeth out and I was fully put under during the extraction. wisdom tooth extraction

  2. Great post done by you. I found it really good that you have shared your experience on Wisdom Teeth Extraction. It will be useful for one who will go through that.Thanks.
