Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day without any coverage + how to clean make up brushes

Pic of me today with no power or foundation, just my hippness blush (MAC). Oh, i wish everyday is good face day.

Make up brush cleaning technique
  1. Prepare in a small dish: detergent and 1/20 extra virgin olive oil.
  2. wet you brush under cold water.
  3. squeeze out any excess water.
  4. dip the wet brush into the dish of detergent and olive oil.
  5. swirl the brush in your hands to thoroughly clean the make up brush (for about 30sec to 1min)
  6. rinse the brush under cold water and squeeze water out multiple times to check whether there is still bubble in brush.
  7. when the brush is rinsed thoroughly squeeze excess water out of the brush
  8. then let it air dry in a up right position and let gravity and mother nature do its job. (pic below)
I usually do this cleaning once a week. I dont use brush guards because I dont understand how they can dry in a plastic seal. And i like to air my brush out in the open.

And randomness ~~~~

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Multi use White fungus soup

You guys ever had the delicious sweet white fungus soup??? Well i love this soup and there is sooo many use for it.

I use the soup for my daily serum, weekly facial mask and daily consumption. The soup has whitening and hydrating effects when used as a mask or a serum, it absorbs really fast and the result is almost instant. I have been drinking a bowl of this soup with brown sugar every day and my pimples on my forehead have significantly reduced and i felt that it has detoxing effects to my body as well.

Purchase any white fungus of your choice, i chose the more yellow one because it less likely it will be bleached and there is more goodies inside.

Get maybe a handful into a bowl and add warm water to soak the white fungus and clean out the impurities.

while soaking use clean hands to rub and clean the fungus. Change water when needed to pour out dirt.

Then put the while fungus into a cooking pot and place about 1 liter of water (depending on the amount of fungus). Bring it to boil and turn the heat to low and let it simmer for 1 hr, until the soup is sticky in consistency.

Then when the soup it cooled down you can drink it by adding a small tea spoon of sugar:

Soak into DIY facial mask and place it on the face until dry, the result is really amazing.

Use it daily as a serum, gently patting it onto the face.
The soup can be kept for about 4-5 days (remember store it in the fridge) this also apply to the serum. I use the mask when the soup is first cooked because it still warm. Also i got this idea from BeautyQQ from youtube, she has alot more DIY tips, give her channel a visit.

P.S the Serum glass bottles are called Boston bottles in 15ml (thanks to Jessie!), which is purchased from ebay.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Rest In Peace Father

Today someone very dear to us have passed away. I'm not upset because i know he is at a better place now.

May the gates of heaven open with welcoming arms.
May the angels above sing with joy and love.
May God greet you with a loving smile.
Because you are the most loving Father.

Rest In Peace Father

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Recent beauty finds and 2nd take on garlic

These are some beauty related things i have purchased recently.
I got this Burt's Bees set purely for the Bee-uty bag. I know i'm a sucka for gift packs. Everything inside is okay. I've been using the lip balm, hand cream, and cuticle cream. I guess the upside is everything is natural. I love the Bee-uty bag, its my travel make up bag now ^^. I purchased this at Priceline for $24.99.

I got a new deodorant. And this one smells sooo nice. I have been using it everywhere cause of the smell (but it leaves a faint white residue). I purchased it at Shoptsmart wholesale pharmacy for under $4.

I thought i will give this new wax a try because i received a coupon. I have tried it once. Its really good because the temperature is very low. The downside is its not very efficient at removing all the hair on first pull and the wax strips provided is not enough. Overall i would repurchase again because it dose not give me burns. I purchase it at Priceline for $13.49.

Okay this is going to be embarrassing. But yes, i do bleach my facial hair. I have not tried this yet. I purchase it at Priceline for $ 18.49 (expensive i know).

My 2nd take on Garlic on pimple was this week. I got 2 painful pimples, so i thought i would give the garlic a try. This time I tried it rinsed and soaked in warm water, and i applied the garlic piece on the problem area. It did not hurt at all and there were no rash. So i tried it on my 2nd pimple but with a different method. I left the garlic out for 24hrs pealed, so the moist is sucked out. Then i chopped a tiny piece again and applied it on the problem area. The 2nd time did hurt a little when i applied it, but no burns or rashes. In both trials, the pimples died down significantly the day after. But i still dont recommend this for dry/sensitive skin. And in both trials i only applied the garlic onto the problem area, not around it.

And J got me a 32G USB. Super awesome ^^.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


How often do you exfoliate?

Exfoliation is very important, as it removes dead skin cells, surface new skin, removes dirt and oil that is trapped within, encourages blood circulation, reduce pore size, brighten dull skin, reduce the appearance of scares, some says it helped their acne and the benefits goes on.

I personally do 1 deep exfoliation per week and use a exfoliating cleanser daily.

For deep exfoliation i use a facial brush (Morning glory) and a face scrubbing pad (The body shop)

For cleanser, i like a good foaming cleanser without exfoliating beads. Exfoliating beads are not recommended because it will be trapped in the facial scrub pad and its difficult to wash out.
When exfoliating i like to go in circular motions around the face for about 1 min each for facial scrub pad and facial brush.

When exfoliating, focus on the folded areas, in my instance is around the nose and mouth. And last month I had a face scan and realized that my eyebrow area has dead skin, So remember to exfoliate under the brow arch with a 'gentle' exfoliating beads.

For daily exfoliation, i use a cleanser with exfoliating beads. I will use it with my facial pads.

If your not happy with your skin, make a commitment and you will see the difference in no time.
And Stay Beautiful!